Giants of the Ice Age Come to Life
Teemu Järvi’s illustrations as part of the Giants of the Ice Age exhibition

Illustrator Teemu Järvi was commissioned to create a unique series of illustrations for Science Centre Heureka’s Giants of the Ice Age exhibition. He illustrated all the great Ice Age mammals – from the woolly mammoth to the cave lion – and created striking depictions of Ice Age humans.

The Giants of the Ice Age exhibition and its accompanying product series offer a chance to explore prehistoric times – both at Heureka and in your own home.
The exhibition is open at Heureka until September 6, 2026, offering a multisensory journey into prehistoric times. It features life-sized, moving animal robots that bring the giants of the Ice Age vividly to life. The experience is enhanced by immersive backdrops and informative screens, all incorporating Teemu Järvi’s illustrations.

Based on the exhibition’s artwork, the Giants of the Ice Age art series brings prehistoric wildlife into everyday life. Teemu Järvi’s illustrations blend art and history, bringing to life an era we can only imagine. The Giants of the Ice Age exhibition and its accompanying art series offer a chance to explore prehistoric times – both at Heureka and in your own home.

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