Running rivers
Just like watching the fire, observing flowing water is endlessly captivating.
Just like watching the fire, observing flowing water is endlessly captivating.
Clear brooks springing in the wild are thin threads of life. They are the home of tiny trout, frogs and water insects. Running through swamps, the brooks swirl among cloudberries and cranberries nodding on the banks, with cranes and owls nesting nearby.
One brook joins another and they grow into a murmuring river. Upriver is the realm of otters and crayfish. Water mosses grow lush and life abounds. Flowing on, the river swells and quickens, the rush of the rapids is a gorgeous sight. In lakes, where the current slows down to gather new momentum, swans and loons raise their fledglings.
Finally, the mighty river runs into the sea and its fresh water merges with the rough salt of the waves. Following the stream, trout and salmon migrate long distances. Dodging seals they disappear in the vast expanse of the sea to grow and mature before they start their journey back, to spawn in their home brook.
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